Sunday, 6 November 2011

Making Memories

This summer, my sister and I did something completely different. We spent a weekend learning how to construct mosaics. We travelled down to Norfolk and booked in to our chosen B&B which happened to be on a remote farm, and so began a very rewarding 3 days. My sister, Kay turned out to be the star of the show as she demonstrated real flare in this area of art. She's always been the artistic member of our family and has an eye for colour and composition. In fact she has two eyes, one spare which is always on the look out for an approaching enemy. Well, you never know.
Since we returned, Kay has launched herself into a project to create quite a large piece which is already taking shape and looking rather good. I will let you know when it is complete. But the reason I share this information is to promote the idea that now and again, it does us all good to explore something new and exciting. You know, push our boundaries a little and in doing so create memories to store for future use.

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