Here in Beverley we like to do things differently you know. On the outskirts of the town we have a wonderful piece of common pasture land called the Westwood. It is much cherished by anyone who appreciates the freedom of open land, be it dog walkers, young courting couples or families with youngsters who need to let off steam. It is also the home of the local golf club and considered to be a pretty challenging course with generous amounts of rough ground and long grass waiting to claim many a golf ball. Oh, I nearly forgot - it is also open to hoards of cows that roam the pasture every year. That's right. Hundreds of cows in all shapes, sizes and colours that wander around at will chewing, chomping and generally just following their lovely big wet noses. Personally, I like to see these big gentle creatures and welcome their return each spring. But somehow, I doubt the golfers have the same sentimental attachment to them as they lollop across the tees and mosey on up the fairways with all the time in the world. The cows that is, not the golfers. I can't think of anywhere else in the world where you could capture a photo like this.
Did you take this photo?I love the small calf jumping.It seems to have all four hooves off the ground!!