Saturday, 10 December 2011

Farewell Jeff

Yesterday was a sad day for our family. We attended the funeral of my oldest friend's father, Jeff. The service was conducted by the vicar of the church Diane, and Jeff and his family have been a part of this church for 45 years or so. Likewise Diane, although she hasn't always been the vicar there. She used to be a teacher and changed career some time ago. So as she steadily progressed through the service, it was more than apparent that she was trying very hard to maintain her decorum as she described a man who was well liked and long accepted as a solid part of the flock. Jeff was a quiet, shy man and when she described him as having a dry wit and a twinkle in his eye that struck a chord with us all. How true, how apt.
But there's more. He was also part of the church choir and the town male voice choir and guess what? Yes, his fellow choristers had turned out to sing for him and there was a vacant seat with a hymn book resting open upon it, Jeff's place. It was a beautiful service and an elegant send-off and I am so glad that my family and I were part of it. Farewell Jeff, we won't forget you x

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